Exercise And Its Far Reaching Benefits

Exercise, why even do it? Whether you like it or not it’s the only way we can burn the excess stores of energy we have accumulated over the years, otherwise known as fat. Our body has stored the fat but thankfully our bodies can rid itself of the fat too and in order to do that, we’ve got to move. It’s the only way our lean muscle tissue can grab the surrounding fat to burn as energy.

Long after your exercise session, whether it is walking, running, swimming, biking, etc., your metabolism continues to burn calories even when you are at rest. The effects of exercise can be experienced long after the actual exercise itself. This is evident in that you sweat a little easier which means your body is behaving like a fat burning furnace, any exercise you do after that point just turbo charges the exercise you’ve already done and burns extra calories.

                                        Exercise has so many benefits:

Exercise prolongs your life and keeps your heart healthy. Don’t forget that the heart is a muscle and needs exercise too. That’s why you should resist taking the easy way by starting a diet or going to those spas that claim you can lose weight by doing nothing other than sweating. Sure you lose inches but they find their way like a magnet back onto your body with the next glass of water you drink. Resist gimmicks, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Exercise, get your heart rate going, it’s the best thing you can do for yourself and your heart will thank you for it.

Exercise also releases your body's natural “feel good” chemicals known as endorphins (a combination of the words endogenous and morphine), which naturally relieve stress. Endorphins are thought to be as powerful as morphine yet they are not addictive and are produced naturally within the body. They are also the body’s natural pain relief.

Exercise has so many additional benefits including increased agility and stamina, improved memory and reaction time, increased bone density, keeps your arteries supple and flexible for blood to flow through. Exercise also reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke as well as creating a stronger immune system and deeper, restful sleep.

Exercise helps you to live longer, people who do 30 to 60 minutes of exercise 3 or more times per week will generally live longer than those who don’t.

I don’t know about you but that builds a pretty strong case in favor of exercise.