Exercise In Your Life

Ok, let’s start the discussion by busting a myth or two along the way. Contrary to popular belief sneaking in a little housework during commercial breaks doesn’t count as exercise. It won’t be enough to lose the excess pounds you gained over the years.

For exercise to be of any long-term benefit you have to raise your heart rate for at least 30 minutes at a time for at least 3 or more times per week.

Would you believe that some people don’t consider walking around the neighborhood or up several flights of stairs as significant exercise? It may be low impact but it is better than doing no exercise at all and whether you realize it or not still burns calories.

When you think of exercise what images do you conjure in your mind?

Is it of sweaty bodies squeezed into a tiny spaces jumping to pounding music? Exercise doesn’t have to be torture; it can be enjoyable especially if shared with your family or friends. Exercise can be going for a walk, chasing after your children, mowing and raking the lawn.

Anything that gets your heart rate up for an extended period of time is considered exercise.